ISSF Conservation Measure 3.5

GLADERY FISHING, INC., an environmentally responsible company, hereby publicly states that it requires onboard its vessels the use of only non-entangling FADs and does not permit aboard its vessels the practice of deploying FADs that are of Highest Entanglement Risk as defined in the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs. This policy shall apply to all new FAD deployments, regardless of the type of vessel that deploys the FADs.

We commit to the non-usage of netting materials either in the surface structure (raft) or the submerged structure.

To support the global transition to non-entangling FADs, ISSF adopted Conservation Measure 3.5 on transactions with ships using only non-entangling FADs. The measure stipulates that ISSF participating companies “transact only with those purse seine vessels whose owners have a public policy on the use of only non-entangling FADs” and that the policy must refer to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entanglement DCPs.

In connection with this, GFI certifies that its fleet only deploys non-entanglement FADs based on ISSF guidelines during its operations.

This statement is visible onboard every fishing vessel in the GFI’s fleet, in all languages commonly spoken onboard.

This policy was adopted on June 01, 2024

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ISSF Conservation Measure 3.7

GLADERY FISHING, INC., an environmentally responsible company, hereby publicly states the following best practices for FAD management, identified in ISSF Technical Report 2019-11, “Recommended Best Practices for FAD management in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries”, shall be implemented:

a) Comply with flag state and RFMO reporting requirements for fisheries statistics by set type.

The company commits to:

  • Filling out completely and accurately the logbooks, including FAD logbook information, by set type required by the flag state and submitting them by electronic reporting to the required authority and/or tRFMO. 

  • Maintaining best-practice minimum standards developed by ISSF, such as 100% observer coverage, even if not required by the tRFMO, and voluntary Electronic Monitoring (EM).

  • Collecting data on the number of active FADs and FAD activity (deployments, visits, sets and loss) as required by tRFMO and submitting them to the required authority and tRFMO.

b) Voluntarily report additional FAD buoy data for use by RFMO-associated science bodies.

The company commits to:

  • Report FAD buoy daily position data to the relevant RFMO science bodies and/or national scientific institutions and/or flag State, with a maximum time lag of 90 days. Data submissions must include the vessel name and IMO number (if available). Deployments should be identified in the data submissions when possible. And, if reporting to national scientific institution or flag state, we shall request that these data be made available to the relevant RFMO for scientific purposes. 

  • Provide FAD buoy echo-sounder acoustic biomass data to the relevant RFMO science bodies and/or national scientific institutions and/or flag State, with a maximum time lag of 90 days. Data submissions must include the vessel name and IMO number (if available). And, if reporting to national scientific institution or flag state, we shall request that these data be made available to the relevant RFMO for scientific purposes.

c) Support science-based limits on the overall number of FADs used per vessel and/or FAD sets made.

The company commits to:

  • Abiding by the limit of active number of FADs adopted by tRFMOs.

  • Managing the activation and deactivation of buoys considering the corresponding tRFMO´s measures.

  • Abiding by the time area closure (including FAD area closures) established by the corresponding RFMO.

d) Use only non-entangling FADs to reduce ghost fishing.

The company commits to:

  • Only deploying or redeploying FADs that are completely non-entangling (i.e., without any netting), even when is not a requirement of the tRFMO, according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs.

  • Not deploying any “high entanglement risk” FAD according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs (i.e., those using large open netting either in the raft or in the underneath part of the FADs: >2.5 inches or 7 cm mesh).

  • Retrieving from the water and modifying the design of “high entanglement risk“ FADs according to the ISSF Guide for Non-Entangling FADs that are reused by the fleet, to make them non-entangling as per the ISSF classification.

e) Mitigate other environmental impacts due to FAD loss including through the use of biodegradable FADs and FAD recovery policies

The company commits to:

  • Studying the feasibility of using FADs with only biodegradable material in their construction except the floatation structure of the raft. 

  • Participating in tests of locally sourced biodegradable materials in collaboration with AZTI, ISSF or any other scientific institution. 

  • Studying the feasibility of deploying simpler and smaller FADs.

  • Participating in trials of biodegradable FAD designs and tests with the participation of tRFMO science bodies and/or CPCs or ISSF scientist. 

  • Endorsing risk and feasibility research programs aimed to determine deployment areas that are highly likely to result in stranding, in countries where FAD recovery policies could be put in place.

  • Participating in cooperative efforts, such as the FAD-Watch in the Seychelles, to remove stranded FADs, in the case the fleet operates in the determined area(s). 

  • Gradually replacing FAD components with biodegradable materials as soon as such are proven efficient. 

  • Not disposing of any FAD component at sea, unless it is proven biodegradable: should a FAD be mended and/or any component replaced, the remainder material must be reused or disposed at port 

  • Whenever possible, use supply vessels to recover FADs that might be in risk of sinking or stranding.

  • Promoting the use of bio-based material to make FADs.

  • Promoting a definition of BIODEGRADABLE materials applicable to marine environment.

f) Implement further mitigation efforts for Bycatch

The company commits to:

  • Applying Best Practices for safe handling and release of sharks and rays brought onboard.

  • Participating/supporting studies to evaluate the contribution of purse seine fisheries to catches of sharks and rays, and the impact of implementation of the Good Practices on post-release survival. 

  • Participating in projects aiming to develop and test new tools to release sharks and moulids in tuna purse seiners, that maximize their survival and are practical to use onboard

This policy was adopted on June 01, 2024

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                    FULL RETENTION OF TUNAS
                    ISSF Conservation Measures 3.3

                    Gladery Fishing, Inc. is committed to:

                    1. Retain on board and then land all bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna, and yellowfin tuna caught, except fish considered unfit for human consumption.

                    2. Procedures for the implementation of full retention requirements include:

                      1. No bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna, and/or yellowfin tuna caught by purse seine vessels may be discarded after the point in the set when the net is fully pursed, and more than one half of the net has been retrieved. If equipment malfunctions affect the process of pursing and retrieving the net in such a way that this rule cannot be complied with, the crew must make efforts to release the tuna as soon as possible.

                      2. The following two exceptions to the above rule shall apply:

                        • Where it is determined by the captain of the vessel that tuna (bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna or yellowfin tuna) caught are unfit for human consumption, the following definitions shall be applied:

                          • "unfit for human consumption" are fish that:

                            • s meshed or crushed in the purse seine; or

                            • is damaged due to depredation; or

                            • has died and spoiled in the net where a gear failure has prevented both the normal retrieval of the net and catch, and efforts to release the fish alive;

                        • "unfit for human consumption" does not include fish that: 

                          • is considered undesirable in terms of size, marketability, or species composition; or

                          • is spoiled or contaminated as the result of an act or omission of the crew of the fishing vessel.

                        • Where the captain of a vessel determines that tuna (bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna or yellowfin tuna) was caught during the final set of a trip and there is insufficient well space to accommodate all tuna (bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna or yellowfin tuna) caught in that set. This fish may only be discarded if:

                          • the captain and crew attempt to release the tuna (bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna or yellowfin tuna) alive as soon as possible; and

                          • no further fishing is undertaken after the discard until the tuna (bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna or yellowfin tuna) on board the vessel has been landed or transshipped.


                    This policy was adopted on June 01, 2024

                    Click to download pdf

                            GLADERY FISHING, INCORPORATED
                            SHARK FINNING PROHIBITION POLICY
                            ISSF Conservation Measures 3.1 (c)

                            GLADERY FISHING, INC., an environmentally responsible company, hereby publicly states the prohibition to practice shark finning aboard its vessels and requires that all sharks are, if retained, stored and landed with fins naturally attached. Furthermore, the company publicly states the prohibition to conduct business with operators that do not enforce the “fins naturally attached” policy

                            As defined in Resolution 12-01 of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), the shaving of shark fins involves the retention of the shark fin and the discard of the rest of its body, which is thrown into the sea. This practice contributes to generating a remarkable insecurity regarding the total biomass and the species composition of the captured sharks.

                            Similarly, the screening contravenes international regulations on the management of shark populations and, more specifically: It also contravenes international rules and regulations, including:

                            1. The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of FAO, as well as its International Plan of Action for the Management and Conservation of Shark Populations.

                            2. Resolutions of several international maritime organizations, all of which call for the reduction to their minimum expression of fish waste and discards.

                            3. The Conservation and Management Measures promulgated by the Regional Fisheries Management Organizations that aim at shark protection. These measures restrict the shark finning, regardless of the fishing gear used, by means of a provision that the weight of the discharged fins may not exceed 5% of the total shark caught on board.

                            4. National regulations approved by various countries, prohibiting the severance and requiring that the fins remain naturally attached to the shark bodies. To reinforce this policy, ISSF adopted Conservation Measure 3.1 Prohibition of transactions with Companies without a Public Policy Prohibiting Shark Finning.

                            Concerned about this issue, GLADERY FISHING, INC. does not permit aboard its vessels the practice of shark finning, which is the retention of any fins while discarding the carcass at sea. Any shark, if retained, must be landed with fins naturally attached.

                            This statement is visibly onboard every fishing vessel in the GFI’s fleet, in all languages commonly spoken onboard.

                            This policy was adopted on June 01, 2024.

                            Click to download pdf